
About Us

On behalf of the Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University as the host of this festival, it gives us great pleasure to introduce to you Technex, our Annual Technical Festival to be held from the 3rd to 6th March, 2011.

TECHNEX (TECHNical EXcellence) has its footsteps, dating back to 1939. Technex will bring together students from all over the country to participate in the celebration of knowledge and creative extravagance along with experts from the fields of both academia and industry.

It hosts various challenging events based on Software Development, Model Exhibition, Paper & Poster presentation, Astronomy, Robotics, general awareness and many more. With technological innovation scaling new heights, Technex promises to keep a tab on the advancements and stay in sync with the mood of the times.
With several new events introduced, and old ones remodeled, Technex '11 is all set to break new ground.


Technex'11 Links


Official IT-BHU Website :

Facebook Page:

 Facebook Event :

Blog :

Wikipedia :


MODEX - Open Hardware

Birds may have ignited many of brains to conquer their aspiration of flight, but it took the ingenuity of two cycle manufacturers to unlock the channels of air commutation. The Greeks, discouraged from road- building by rugged topography of their land, turned to sea and became first great harbor builder.

Has your childhood been spent in junkyard indulgences befriending the outdated gadgets? Think you know all about the hardware of home appliances, it's time to give free reigns to your design acumen. Step up and discover the Da Vinci and Steve Jobs within you!


"Open hardware" is all about innovative designs with specifically defined application. Any working model which is defining its application with feasibility and economical point of view will lie under this stream."


  1. Event Structure:
    For proper judgment and recommendation of good models we have three stages in MODEX(Open-hardware): 
    1. SWIKRITI:This is the abstract round. You have to post an abstract of the model along with the name of team,project,group members,E-mail id and contact numbers.Description of project(200 words),technical skills,innovation,commercial application,components (including cost factor).
    2. AAKRITI: This is model exhibiton round.Teams are provided with stalls for presenting their models before the public and the judges.Judgement criterion for this round will count on innovation, market value,technical level and cost factor.
    3. PRASTUTI: This is the presentation round and is optional.You have to submit the video or slide presentation of development of your model from root to apex along with printed form of abstract.Selected presentations will be projected on the screen on the final day.The judgement criterion will count on labor,technical and infrastructure exposure with no consideration on software skills for making the presentation attractive.
  2. Team Specifications:
    A team may consist of a maximum of 4 members. Students from different educational institutes can form a team.
    Participants should carry with them valid identity cards.
  3. Rules:
    1. Any team that is not ready at the time specified will be disqualified.
    2. The idea should be innovative and economically feasible.
    3. The machines would be checked for their safety before the run and would be discarded if found unsafe for other participants and spectators.
    4. Judges\' decision shall be treated as final and binding on all.
    5. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit. Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered participants.
    6. 220v, 50hz standard A.C supply will be provided.
  4. Judging Criteria:
    The participants will be judged on the grounds of
    1. Innovation
    2. Feasibility of design
    3. Utility of model
    4. Cost efficiency
  5. Certificate Policy:
    1. Certificate of Excellence will be awarded to all winners.
    2. Certificates of Appreciation will be given to all the teams who reach the final round.
    3. Certificate of Participation will be given to all participating teams.
Last Date For Abstract Submission: 15th February, 2011


1. Robotics ebooks for Technex [html format]:

2. Robotics ebooks for Technex [pdf format]:

3. Robotics ebooks for Technex [wordpad format]:

4. Robotics video tutorials for Technex :